Governing the Others and Governing Themselves. Human Life as the Result of Domestication and Exercise [Spanish]


  • Diego Alejandro Estrada Mesa Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (Medellín)


This article focuses on the concept of government made from some philosophical approaches of thinkers such as Michel Foucault, Peter Sloterdijk, Giorgio Agamben and others. An argument about some ways human beings have been manufactured unfolds. First, a terminological exploration from an anthropological perspective of the verb “to rule” is made to define the scope of this reflection. Subsequently, a shift gaze to the ways humans are conducted is done, both from a collective and individual point of view.

Author Biography

Diego Alejandro Estrada Mesa, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (Medellín)

Candidato a Doctor en Filosofía de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín). Magister en Filosofía de la misma Universidad. Politólogo de la Universidad de Colombia (Medellín). Docente Investigador de la facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (Medellín). Miembro del grupo de investigación RIZOMA, de la facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (Medellín). Correspondencia:






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