Nationalism and Power behind the Communitarian Premises: a Critique from Habermas’ Cosmopolitanism [Spanish]


  • Mikel Arteta Arilla Doctor en Filosofía del Derecho, moral y política por la Universidad de Valencia.


In order to endorse political cosmopolitanism we will undertake a critical analysis of the main four premises that support communitarianism: the ontological one, the instrumental one, the ethical one, and the moral-psychological one (1). Then, we warn that communitarianism usually serves as support for nationalist theoretical proposals that just care about the socio-economic interests of their own countries (2). In response to communitarianism, we offer some answers from a cosmopolitan moral approach. However, we conclude that this approach is also insufficient (3). In conclusion, we argue that only a legal and political cosmopolitanism could honor moral universalism (4).

Author Biography

Mikel Arteta Arilla, Doctor en Filosofía del Derecho, moral y política por la Universidad de Valencia.

Doctor Filosofía del derecho, moral y política por la Universidad de Valencia.




