The Dynamic Sublime in Kant’s Third Critique [Spanish]


  • Matías Oroño Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET


The main aim of this study is to analyze the link between the dynamic sublime and the morality in the framework of Kant's critical thought. Our study will be res­tricted to the analysis of the dynamic sublime. We will defend the thesis according to which the feeling of the dynamic sublime is irreducible to the morality even if this feeling necessarily supposes the morality. Subsidiarily, we will try to indicate that the dynamic sublime implies a necessary reference to the own corporeality. Likewise, we will outline a hypothesis concerning the possibility of thinking the role of the own corporeality in the framework of the Kantian moral theory. The main conclusions of our analysis are the following: 1. the dynamic sublime and the morality are clearly differentiated spheres in Kant's thought; 2. the dynamic sublime supposes the morality.

Author Biography

Matías Oroño, Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Actualmente es becario posdoctoral del CONICET, con lugar de trabajo en el Instituto de Filosofia Dr. Alejandro Korn de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA. Su principal línea de investigación es el Idealismo trascendental de Kant, con particular énfasis en temas de filosofía teórica.


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