Revistas cientificas, Universidad Del Norte.
Barranquilla, Colombia.


  • Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina

    La Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina (ESAL) divulga temas de educación superior, basada en conocimiento científico, académico y profesional de alto nivel.  La revista se publica semestralmente, es de distribución gratuita y acceso abierto.  Está dirigida a expertos y personas interesadas en la educación superior.  El principal idioma de ESAL es el español, pero por ser una publicación de alcance latinoamericano y en procura de ser un espacio de amplia participación, también se publican textos en portugués y, excepcionalmente, en inglés. La evaluación de los artículos está a cargo de los editores, con el apoyo del Comité editorial.

    ESAL busca contribuir en la generación de canales de difusión para la producción científica, el pensamiento y el análisis de temas relacionados con la educación superior en la región.

  • Revista científica Pensamiento y Gestión

    La Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad del Norte edita semestralmente esta publicación, con el propósito de poner al alcance del sector académico y productivo nuevas perspectivas en el área de la administración, así como los resultados de investigaciones adelantadas en este campo de estudio.
  • Salud Uninorte

    SALUD UNINORTE is the official Journal of the Health Sciences Division at the Universidad del Norte in which original articles are published on topics of clinical medicine,
    public health
    and biomedical sciences. Each manuscript is peer reviewed and publishes original research articles, reviews and clinical case descriptions from scientists, physicians and medical students from the Universidad del Norte and other universities, hospitals and institutes. SALUD UNINORTE was founded in March 1984. Is published twice annually.

    Adheres to
    principles of Open Access.

  • Revista de Derecho

    Revista de Derecho is a biannual refereed publication, financed by Universidad del Norte (Colombia) ISSN 0121-8697 (print) - ISSN 2145-9355 (on line), National Index of Serial and Scientific and Technological Publications of Colciencias -Publindex- Category B. Its purpose is to disseminate scientific research works in law. It also aims to publication and dissemination of articles that contribute to national and international legal science.

    It is composed of two permanent sections: (I) Research Articles, (II) Case Studies and, exceptionally, (III) Bibliographic Reviews. The Law Review welcomes unpublished content written in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese, in order to promote a cross-border and intercultural dialogue.

    The journal uses the double-blind peer review system. It maintains a policy of open access to its contents for the entire academic community.

    Scientific contributions will be received through our Open Journal System (OJS), which can be accessed through this portal. The submission must contain all the requirements requested by the OJS system, mentioning the area in which the work is included. These categories are:

    - Critical Legal Studies

    - Theory of Law

    - Interdisciplinary Studies of Law

    - Dogmatic Studies of Law

    - Teaching of Law and the Legal Profession

  • Revista Científica Ingeniería y Desarrollo.

    Ingeniería y Desarrollo is a refereed scientific journal whose main objective is to diffuse among members of the academic and professional community of engineering and basic science, the results of scientific and technological research in all fields and specialties of the engineering.

  • Zona Próxima

    Zona Próxima

    is a scholarly journal in the field of education, set up as organ of the Institute of Studies of Education of the Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia. Our aim is the dissemination of trends, experiences, research findings and theoretical reflection in divers aspects of the field of education.
  • Eidos

    Eidos is an international peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal published by theDepartment of Humanities and Philosophy at the Universidad del Norte. It fosters original scholarly studies in all fields of philosophy committed to the current approaches to the diverse issues of philosophical enquiry, as well as discussions, essays reviews and books reviews and translations of outstanding philosophical studies. It welcomes preferably papers written in English and Spanish but also accepts manuscripts in French, Italian and Portuguese in order to promote an enthusiastic worldwide dialogue on the pluralistic philosophical attitudes to all areas of interest in humanities. Its wide-ranging focus, besides including papers on aesthetics, epistemology, metaphysics, feminism, phenomenology, history of science and history of philosophy, also diffuses critical studies on practical philosophy. Due to its comprehensive scopeEidos seeks to keep abreast of the present state of affairs of philosophical research. From 2003 to 2005 it issued one number per year. From 2006 up to present it is published online semiannually in June 15th and December 15th.



  • Memorias

    Memorias is a referred Journal that aims to divulge scientific and theoretical knowledge that is being produced in the areas of History and Archeology as well as in other in social sciences in general that focus on the Greater Caribbean region. The main articles are unpublished works that present recent research results. There are also bibliographic review articles and reflections on discussions that are taking place both nationally and internationally. The journal includes a section for young researchers. There, they present findings of current research, and literature reviews. The journal also has a space for the recovery of visual and documentary memory of the region.
  • Revista de Economía del Caribe

    The Revista de Economía del Caribe is a biannual publication of the Economic department of Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla (Colombia), which purpose is disseminate the results carried out in the area of economics. The Revista de Economía del Caribe is aimed to social science professionals and investigators whom are interested in the economic fundamentals applied to education, health, environment, job market, regional growth and institutions, among others aspects.

  • Investigación & Desarrollo

    Investigación & Desarrollo
    LatinAmerican Journal of Social Sciences and Human Development

    Is an interdisciplinary biannual publication in Social Sciences, which offers to the scientific community new perspectives and potentialities of research in the field of human development.
  • Psicología desde el Caribe

    Edited and published by: Editorial Universidad del Norte

    Editor: Carlos José De los Reyes Aragón, Ph.D.

    Frequency: 3 issues per year (January, May and September)

    Acceptance rate: 44.3%

    Electronic Journal.

    In order to speed up the publishing process, articles may be published in an in-press version.