Food and nutritional security in the Caribbean region: Consequences of malnutrition and Good Practices as solutions
Best Practices, food security, child malnutrition, food insecurity, Caribbean region of ColombiaAbstract
This study identifies and evaluates examples of Best Practice that could offer new ways of addressing the continuing presence of food insecurity and malnutrition in the Caribbean region of Colombia, despite this region ?s food-producing potential. To identify the Best Practice, close to 400 professionals from public and private entities and NGOs were surveyed, revealing three outstanding examples of Best Practice which, in different ways, have had a positive impact on the food and nutritional security in the Departments of Sucre and Cesar. Additionally, it was shown that the three examples of Best Practice can be replicated and easily incorporated into Departmental Development Plans. If the initiatives identified by the study can count on the support of the decision makers, they have the potential to empower small producers, reduce the prevalence of food insecurity, and improve the nutritional status of the population.
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