A Geographical perspective on a changing Continent: The urban-regional topics of development


  • Ricardo Adrián Vergara Durán Universidad del Norte, Colombia


Regional - urban development, integration, globalization


Latin America is in the midst of a profound process of transformation, affecting the economic and political spheres, as well as the social and territorial realms of human interaction. One of the principal aspects of this process is centered on the different dynamics of political and economic integration and the urge to plan and order the territory to facilitate the economic and political development. Currently there is an ongoing debate over a continent in the changing, in a globalized world in which the regional urban phenomena of development is clearer, we cannot dispense with a geographical perspective. This work aims at contributing to the topic of political and economic integration from the perspective of how we understand territory in the regional urban context, as the first constituent of the regional integration and economic development.

Author Biography

Ricardo Adrián Vergara Durán, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Antropólogo, Dr. en Geografía Urbana. Profesor del Departamento de Historia y Ciencias Sociales y coordinador de grupo GRAHUS de investigaciones en arqueología, historia y estudios urbanos del Caribe colombiano de la Universidad del Norte.


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How to Cite

Vergara Durán, R. A. (2022). A Geographical perspective on a changing Continent: The urban-regional topics of development. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 17(2), 230–241. Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/investigacion/article/view/772



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