Altstadterneuerung in Deutschland


  • Günter Mertins Universidad Philipps de Marburg, Alemania


Renovation of historical centers, to revitalize, fundamentals legislation of renovation.


In a very brief presentation the author acknowledges the reasons behind the renovation of the historical towns in the old West Germany followed by the legal foundation, efforts and public financing and the results that came from that process. It is in this context that some municipalities played a central role in the conservation efforts by emphasizing their political action in the functional revitalization of their cities and the resulting economic growth. To finish the author makes reference to similar processes in the old East Germany after the reunification, a process that was largely funded by the subsidies from the European Union.

Author Biography

Günter Mertins, Universidad Philipps de Marburg, Alemania

Dr., profesor titular (EM) de la facultad de geografía Universidad Philipps de Marburg (Alemania)


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How to Cite

Mertins, G. (2022). Altstadterneuerung in Deutschland. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 16(1), 118–129. Retrieved from



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