Barriers to organizational learning. Case study
Organizational learning or the open-to-learning organization is a thoroughlydocumented subject and one of great attention by organizations. One of the most
important aspects of organizational learning, which at the same time is poorly
developed, is the barriers of learning. From the theoretical frame we attempt to
reflex upon the barriers of learning and the findings of a research conducted in two
major organizations of the industrial sector and services respectively in Medellin,
Colombia. The conclusions will motivate interested people such as entrepreneurs,
instructors or investigators, to formulate strategies to allow organizations to have
possession of relevant knowledge in order to build competitive advantages.
How to Cite
Pérez Zapata, A., & Cortés Ramírez, J. A. (2011). Barriers to organizational learning. Case study. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (22). Retrieved from