The alienation of the individual. Reflecting on the evolution of management thought as a control mechanism


  • Camilo Antonio Mejía Reátiga


This article attempts to develop a series of reflections about different aspects related
to several management theories of thoughts through their evolution. Likewise, it tries to
identify how these approaches have been used by organizations to get greater benefices from
their stakeholders, to control them, and to emulate a false image in regard to their social
and consideration benefices.
Main management thought schools are considered putting them on the contrary to the
contemporary organizational realities in regard to their utilization as control mechanisms
and as a camouflage of their true production intentions.

How to Cite

Mejía Reátiga, C. A. (2011). The alienation of the individual. Reflecting on the evolution of management thought as a control mechanism. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (20). Retrieved from


