Relativism and marketing: A methodological proposal for the consumer behavior study


  • Christian Acevedo Navas


During decades the positivism has dominated the academic and researching environment.
This article wants to express, by sharing elements of a specific researching experience
(about consumer behaviour, in this case), that relativism as philosophy for approaching to
social phenomena is appropriated and also rigorous. An anthropological and sociological
doctrine, which gives theoretical and methodological support to research duties, are tackled.
Ethnography, the classic method of anthropological research and its main techniques for
data collecting are explained. The process for data treatment, under PRODIN methodology
of qualitative analysis is also shown.

How to Cite

Acevedo Navas, C. (2011). Relativism and marketing: A methodological proposal for the consumer behavior study. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (19). Retrieved from


