The differentiation as organizations development tool. Case in the health sector- gyneco-obstetric service


  • Camilo Antonio Mejía Reátiga


This article aims to describe how the differentiation, as a competitive tool, can be Successfully
used to help to increase the organization development in a highly competitive environmenl. The topic is
considered by taking as reference a study case in the health sector; speciftcalfy the gyneco-obstetric service
(modality of water labour).
The essential characteristics identifted as diffirentiating factors of service are presented. If they are
used well, they would be an indicator of the Feasibility of the specific project: establishing the water labour service. Besides, the main results obtained in the research are shown, indentifying how in the case, service differentiation given by the intrinsic features of water labour modality is a determinant feasibility factor for creating this service as a strategic business unit in a previously established hospital in Barranquilla.

How to Cite

Mejía Reátiga, C. A. (2011). The differentiation as organizations development tool. Case in the health sector- gyneco-obstetric service. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (17). Retrieved from


