The futurology and the knowledge of the TICs in the smes of boyaca-colombia-department


  • Dora Esther Fonseca Pinto


This investigation presents the process of the use of futurology andICT knowledge in the SMEs of Boyaca Department, Colombia. In the developmentof the study the theoretical elements that support the abovementionedinvestigation were established. In the methodological aspect,the study proposed by the CEA was born in mind, ECLAC, and the ICTStatistical Information Center, which established key indicators for themeasurement of the ICTs in companies. Based on this information, aninstrument was designed to be applied to 62 SMEs of the region, belongingto the different economic sectors, located in the municipalities,out of which relevant information for the above-mentioned study wasobtained.

How to Cite

Fonseca Pinto, D. E. (2013). The futurology and the knowledge of the TICs in the smes of boyaca-colombia-department. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (34). Retrieved from


