Financial regulations applicable to the coffee sector
The coffee sector in Mexico is very important due to its contributionto social and economic development, and for its impact on employmentgeneration, which accounts for more than 4.5 million jobs; at internationallevel, Mexico is the seventh largest producer of coffee. Entities belongingto this sector, like any economic entity, have a need of financialinformation that facilitates appropriate decision-making. In Mexico, theorganism responsible of releasing the financial standards is the ConsejoMexicano para la Investigación y Desarrollo de Normas de InformaciónFinanciera, A.C. Within this regulation is the bulletin E-1 “Agriculture”,which aims to establish standards applicable to entities engaged inagricultural activities. This research aims to study the separate report, toanalyze the adequacy of this standard for companies in the coffee sector,as it is considered necessary to establish regulations that suit the specificcharacteristics of these entities.Downloads
How to Cite
Acosta Márquez, M. P., Espinoza Priego, E. L., López Fernández, E., & Domínguez López, S. L. (2013). Financial regulations applicable to the coffee sector. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (34). Retrieved from