Methodological proposal for developing a scientific research in the area of Business Administration


  • Ana Lilia Coria Páez
  • Isidoro Pastor Roman
  • Zacarías Torres Hernández


Scientific research requires the use of the scientific method as an essentialtool to generate knowledge of such nature, It is common that researchersuse the terms method and methodology as indistinctly, this situation causesconfusion in students who begin their research tasks. Therefore, the objectiveof this work is to provide students with elements to identify the differencesbetween the method and the methodology in a scientific research, in orderto facilitate the choice of actions that can better resolve the proposed objectives.To do this, first a bibliographical review of the research process and itscharacterization was carried out, as well as one review for the different researchmethods; Then it was presented the case of a doctoral thesis, which outlinesthe different methods that were used, named the methodological spiral. Itintegrates the methodology of the research as a whole. It is concluded thatthere exists a method that guides the research work and that guides the stepsto follow during the process, which varies from one investigation to another.But, essentially, the steps may be similar because they rely on a central methodthat can be the scientific method as such, or the technological method. Thisresearch process also has different times, therefore it requires different methodsfor its implementation.

How to Cite

Coria Páez, A. L., Roman, I. P., & Torres Hernández, Z. (2014). Methodological proposal for developing a scientific research in the area of Business Administration. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (35). Retrieved from


