The concept of strategy as a basis for strategic planning


  • Emigdio Rafael Contreras Sierra


The concept of strategy has had over time, many uses and diverse applicationsfrom the military field, where it says have originated, passing throughthe political, administrative, economic, religious, cultural and social fields, ineach of them has located in such a way, that constitutes a referent by the waythat has been used. It is a very important aspect for the decisions to be taken bythose who are responsible for the management of an organization, where thereare all kinds of resources, that should be used optimally in order to complywith the policies and goals drawn. The strategy is a bet in a globalized world,where companies are fighting to stay in the market using all the tools theypossess, establishing flexible and aggressive policies management that allowpositioning and have continuity in the future.

How to Cite

Contreras Sierra, E. R. (2014). The concept of strategy as a basis for strategic planning. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (35). Retrieved from


