The importance of corporate strategy in the product development: a proposal


  • Cecilia Ramírez León Escuela de Diseño Industrial, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Facultad Seccional Duitama


This article contains elements of strategic thinking that contribute to obtainanswers to questions such as : In which business are we? What can we do?What can we offer? from within the company, which might constitute thecorporate strategy. This is intended to facilitate the identification of the marketniche, as well as to determine the type of product or service to be developed.The information obtained by the company about itself, and about themarket, is the foundation of the development of a preliminary product brief,which is the beginning of the product or service development. This workcontains, on the one hand, the first stage of the Methodological Proposal ofproduct development, which is the Corporate Strategy, on the other hand,this is the result of some of the conclusions of the research project entitled“Review of models of product development, in contrast to the model ofconcurrent engineering “Studycase: Wood furniture sector of the IndustrialSector in Boyaca”, which were developed by the author. The mentioned conclusionsexpress the need of strategic thinking from the process prior to theproduct development task.

How to Cite

Ramírez León, C. (2014). The importance of corporate strategy in the product development: a proposal. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (35). Retrieved from


