Liquid leadership: a proposal to face uncertainly and risk


  • Adrián Esteban Pereira Santana Universidad de Chile


Today organization faces a context of uncertainly and risk, just like societies,that rises levels of complexity and dynamism never seen before. Inthis constantly changing reality, formless, liquid, the traditional models ofleadership, attributes to a single person, are not adequate to respond to prevailingenterprise, that’s characterized for constant environmental change,and managing change, all this make necessary transform traditional modelsof leadership to liquid, and make this respond to the new complex systemiclogics in organizational area; a new model of leadership is the objective ofthis paper. In this task, we will check over leadership traditional modelsfrom final 20 century, and initial proposal of early 21 century, trying togenerate a most functional response to actual organizational reality. Theresult is a conceptual leadership model based in changing and mix action,make possible by different actors and moments, in alternate moments, butalso jointed, in a new social space organizational, transdisciplinary based,making liquid the inside organization, responding in a better way to liquid,uncertainly, risked environment. Liquid leadership, is both a proposaland an answer to complementary requirements of actual organizations.

How to Cite

Pereira Santana, A. E. (2015). Liquid leadership: a proposal to face uncertainly and risk. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión. Retrieved from


