Strengthening business to non-forprofit organizations. Fusagasugá – region


  • Elizabeth Ann Escobar Cazal Universidad de Cundinamarca
  • Marisol Ruiz Toloza Universidad de Cundinamarca
  • Gonzalo Escobar Reyes Universidad de Cundinamarca


Non-forprofit organizations influence socially and economically in the formulationof municipal policies, notwithstanding and against the new legislationregulating them: renewal of registrations, tax planning and internationalregulations, require priority agendas that reach your updatedlegal and administrative to facilitating the processes related to its corporatepurpose.To this end, ARADO research group carried out a diagnostic study to 50 entitiesnon-profit real identifying strengths, needs and achievements that serveas an input for the development of plans and improvements.Thus, in inter-agency partnership, the Universidad de Cundinamarca, Cámarade Comercio de Bogotá and Girardot DIAN ahead 12 days of trainingin tax, legal issues, accounting and administrative contributing to the strengtheningof the participating organizations.The article aims to highlight the importance of Associativity. Also describe asin the scheduled meetings, methodology and techniques influence on the understandingof the organizational potential of the ESAL Fusagasugá- Región.

How to Cite

Escobar Cazal, E. A., Ruiz Toloza, M., & Escobar Reyes, G. (2016). Strengthening business to non-forprofit organizations. Fusagasugá – region. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (39). Retrieved from


