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Implementation of PBS-based interventions: a systematic review of the experimental and quasi-experimental research literature

Implementation of PBS-based interventions



Few studies evaluate trends, quality, and achievements of Positive Behavior Support-based interventions (IB-PBS) for the benefit of different application settings and populations. Accordingly, a systematic review was carried out following the methodological guidelines of PRISMA statement to offer an overview of the effect of IB-PBS. 33 experimental and quasi-experimental research articles were selected from 294 published papers in English on EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, PubMed and Jstor, from 2015 to July 2020. These documents approved an evaluation of quantitative articles checklist designed for this work. The articles were organized using a descriptive frequency analysis. It was identified a predominant research trend in the United States, the frequent use of single case designs and randomized controlled trials, and the use of observation and application of standardized instruments as common evaluation tools. The results suggested the interventions implemented with integrity in school, family and social care settings have favorable effects on the behavior and mental health, well-being and quality of life of studied populations; with satisfactory results of social validity. Some studies limitations of external and internal validity are important challenges for future research.

Author Biographies

Julieta Hidalgo Silva, Universidad de Nariño

Julieta Hidalgo Silva, Psicóloga (C), Universidad de Nariño. Investigadora.

Manuel Argote Delgado, Universidad de Nariño

Manuel Argote-Delgado, Psicólogo (C), Universidad de Nariño. Investigador.

Yamile Andrea Gómez Delgado, Universidad de Nariño

Yamile Andrea Gómez Delgado, Psicóloga, Universidad de Nariño; Magister en Psicología, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Docente investigadora del Departamento de Psicología y coordinadora de la Maestría en Promoción y Prevención en Salud Mental de la Universidad de Nariño. E-mail:

Christian Alexander Zambrano Guerrero, Universidad de Nariño

Christian Zambrano Guerrero, Psicólogo, Universidad de Nariño. Maestro en educación, Universidad de Manizales. Doctorando en Ciencias de la educación, Universidad de Nariño. Docente e investigador, Universidad de Nariño.

Nohemy Marcela Bedoya Ríos, Universidad del Valle

Nohemy Marcela Bedoya Ríos. Psicóloga, Universidad del Valle. Magister en Psicología, Universidad del Valle y PhD en Educación, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Docente Universidad del Valle.


