Prevalence of injuries and intimidation in schoolchildren in the Coffee Region
School bullying refers to aggressive, humiliating or excluding behaviors, constantly directed at vulnerable people. The main objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of school injuries and bullying in a sample of schoolchildren from the Coffee Region. For this, a cross-sectional study with a descriptive scope was carried out, in which a secondary analysis of the National School Health Survey - ENSE 2017 was developed. 4,353 adolescents from the Coffee Region between 12 and 17 years old participated, of which 51.8% are women and 47.8% men, from grades seven to eleven. The results establish that 24.8% of the schoolchildren surveyed reported serious injuries and 14.2% indicated that they had been bullied in the last month. 23.5% affirm that they participated in a physical fight, and 17% that they have been victims at least once. 37.9% have been verbally assaulted in the last 30 days, and 6.6% have been rejected in the last month. It is concluded that it is important to prevent situations of violence in the school contexts of the Coffee Region, as well as to emphasize the need to strengthen attention with proposals in the educational field.
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