Social skills and mental health in young technical and technological students
Social Skills, Mental Health, Adolescents, Youth, Higher EducationAbstract
The article established the relationship between social skills and mental health in young people from technical and technological programs. The type of research is quantitative non-experimental, descriptive-relational, with a sample of 179 trainees (116 women and 53 men) from 12 technical and technology programs, aged between 16 and 25 years. For the mental health variable, the SCL-90-R was applied and for the social skills variable, the Evaluation of Social Skills in Adolescents Scale (EEHSA). The results showed that when there are poor social skills, risk factors related to mental health increase. It was concluded that the development of social skills is directly related to better mental health in these young students. Hence, it is necessary to generate early detection and/or promotion-prevention strategies that mitigate risk factors.
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