Explanation of the psychological well-being of colombian adolescents based on interparental conflict and parental competencies
Adolescent psychological well-being, interparental conflict and parental competencies
Psychological Well-being, Interparental Conflict, parental Competencies, Parent-Child Relationship, AdolescentsAbstract
Psychological well-being is understood as a relevant condition in the development of adolescents, who experience changes that impact the consolidation of their personality and social adaptation. Objective: To explain the psychological well-being of adolescent children based on interparental conflicts and the parental competencies of united and separated parents. Methodology: Study quantitative, descriptive, correlational and explanatory with 473 Colombian adolescents, with sampling non-probabilistic for convenience, instruments with adequate internal consistency were used. Results: The variables that weighed the most in the explanation of psychological well-being were parental involvement and self-blame. Men had greater psychological well-being compared to women. Psychological well-being was higher in children of separated parents compared to children of united parents. A significant interaction effect was obtained between the sex of the adolescent and the type of parents in self-blame. Daughters of separated fathers perceive greater self-blame in the conflict, followed by boys with united fathers. The results suggest continuing to study the psychological well-being of adolescents in order to rethink new ways of accompanying parents (united or separated) from the school context within the framework of educational policies.
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