Construction of Imaginary Kids and Everyday Life


  • José Juan Amar Amar Universidad del Norte
  • Consuelo Angarita Arboleda Universidad del Norte
  • Kary Cabrera Doku Universidad del Norte


The Research Center of Human Development at Universidad del Norte (CIDHUM) has proposed to know diverse aspects of the mechanisms for constructing imaginaries in economically disadvantaged children from the Colombian Caribbean Region. This article presents the results of one of the four studies carried out in this project. This study aimed at describing and analyzing children understanding of their daily life concepts. In this way, it aimed at deepening in the relationships established among children and family, school and social environment. The following concepts were studied: beauty, kindness, money, authority, school, happiness, friendship, time, health, death, gender, work, and family. The sample consisted of 400 male and female children, 4-7 years old, who Iive in poverty conditions in Barranquilla, Santa Marta and Valledupar (Three cities located on the Colombian Caribbean Region).

Author Biographies

José Juan Amar Amar, Universidad del Norte

Psicólogo y Sociólogo. PhD. en Psicología Social de Columbia Pacific University. Doctor en Fhilosophy in Counseling Psychology, Universidad de Newport. Consultor de la UNESCO. Decano de la División de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Norte.

Consuelo Angarita Arboleda, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga y magíster en Desarrollo Social de la Universidad del Norte; matrice de Sciencies de l'educadon, option Development Social, de la Universidad París XII val de Marne. Profesora del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad del Norte

Kary Cabrera Doku, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga. Magíster en Proyectos de Desarrollo Social de la Universidad del Norte, matrice de Sciences de l'education, opción Development Social, de la Universidad de París XII val de Mame. Directora de Proyectos Académicos de la Universidad del Norte


