Effects of Variables Associated with cultural capital on Thursday on the Validation of a rating scale of objective items.


  • Rodrigo García Leija UNAM


A scale was validated to evaluate content sources in reactive objective and the incidence of the cultural capital of the judges on this validation was investigated. 18 judges with experience in measurement of learning results participated. A two-factor design was used (2x3), where factor “A” was discipline (psychology and pedagogy) and factor “B” was the academic formation (B.A. or graduate degree) or the judges. The agreements between judges validated the definitions given previously to the six dimensions that conform the scale (Q = 20,3, 22 gl., p = 0,56 ), but not to the assigned scales (Q = 40, 93, 20 gl., p = 0.0004). The multiple regression analysis showed that the incidence of cultural capital of the judges affected the validation only in the allocation of points and not in the definition previously given.

Author Biography

Rodrigo García Leija, UNAM

Psicólogo, facultad de Psicología UNAM


