Representations and actions of university students against employability


  • Erico Rentería Pérez Universidad del Valle
  • Verónica Andrade Jaramillo Universidad del Valle


Employability, university students, work


This article shows the results of an investigation carried out in a Santiago de Cali official university, about 30 different- careers-students' representations and actions on employability. It was based on a similar study performed in Brazil. A questionnaire was applied and the content analysis technique was used to interpret data. It was found that students' actions are closely connected to modality of employment. At the same time, they investigate about environment and organizational demands. The subjects emphasized the network establishment and work experience before being graduated as fundamental; the learning of a second language and esthetic aspects such as the personal presentation remain in the background. They related the fact of being employable with capacities, abilities and knowledge allowing a person to accede to a job. Finally, there are differences among careers and network establishment, the execution of practices before graduation, and expanding the field of action by complementary studies, among others.


