Anxiety indicators in DFH and personality traits in children: a validity study


  • Marcos Antonio Batista João Batista Neto e Terezinha Damasceno Batista
  • Fermino Fernandes Sisto
  • Sandra Maria da Silva Sales Oliveira


This study aimed to find evidences of validity through the analysisof correlation among anxiety indicators of Human Figure DrawingTest – HFD – of Karen Machover and the Scale of Personality Traitfor Children. 240 children took part in this research, being them bothmale and female, with age ranging from 8 to 10 years old, all of themattending elementary public school. Through the analysis of Pearsoncorrelation, it was found that when HFD indicators are grouped thereare meaningful correlations with personality traits and, it was possible toinfer that there are features that convey to them once anxiety is just partof the construct of personality traits as neuroticism and extroversion.




