Correlation between homophobia and racism in medical students


  • Adalberto Campo-Arias Instituto de Investigaciones del Comportamiento Humano
  • Heidi Celina Oviedo Grupo de Investigación del Instituto de Investigación del Comportamiento Humano
  • Edwin Herazo Grupo de Investigación del Instituto de Investigación del Comportamiento Humano


Prejuicio, racismo, homofobia


The objective of the research was to estimate the correlation betweenhomophobia and racism among medical students in Bucaramanga, Colombia.It was done a cross-sectional study that included students over18 years-old. The attitude toward homosexual people (homophobia orsexual prejudice) was measured with the Homophobia Scale (HS); andattitude toward Afro-Colombians (racism or race discrimination), witha Spanish version of Modern Racism Scale (MRS). Authors computedthe association homophobia and racism using Pearson (r) and Spearman(rs) coefficients. A group of 334 students accepted to participate.Mean age was 20.1 years (SD=1.9); 59.0 % were women. Cronbach alphawas 0.78 for HS; and 0.62 for MRS. HS scores were between 7 and 34(Mean=17.8, SD=5.4); and MRS scores between 0 and 34 (Mean=13.8;SD=5.2). Coefficient r was 0.35 (p<0.001), and coefficient rs, 0.34(p<0.001). As conclusion, there is a positive correlation between theseways of prejudice (homophobia and racism) among Colombian medicalstudents. Intervention is needed to reduce prejudices in medical students.

Author Biographies

Adalberto Campo-Arias, Instituto de Investigaciones del Comportamiento Humano

Medico psiquiatra, Epidemiologo, Magister en salud sexual y reproductiva. Grupo de Investigacion del Comportamiento Humano, Director de Investigaciones y Publicaciones del Instituto de Investigacion del Comportamiento Humano, Bogota, COLOMBIA.

Heidi Celina Oviedo, Grupo de Investigación del Instituto de Investigación del Comportamiento Humano

Medica, psiquiatra, magister (e) en E-learning, profesora asociada, Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga, UNAB, Colombia.

Edwin Herazo, Grupo de Investigación del Instituto de Investigación del Comportamiento Humano

Medico psiquiatra, Magister en bioética, PhD (c) en salud pública de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Grupo de Investigacion del Comportamiento Humano, Director de Investigacion del Comportamiento Humano, Bogota, COLOMBIA.




