Knowledge and assessment of the Forest Yotoco forest reserve’s environmental quality: perspective psycho-environmental perspective


  • Henry Granada
  • Christian Molina Cortes


The present research is framed in the field of environmental psychology and was aimed to describe the knowledge and assessments that people expressed about the environmental quality of the forest Forest Reserve Yotoco (Colombia), and discover relevant implicit or explicit suggestions to improve the environmental quality of the ecosystem in question. Participants were among the visitors to the Reserve during the years 1994 through 2011. This study used a qualitative methodological strategy. The data analyzed were obtained through random sampling of the record books of visitors where they write comments on the nature of their experience immediately culminate the course of it. The results are very favorable towards the recognition of the environmental quality of the Reserve in its physical, biotic and especially psychosocial aspects. Highlights some reviews related to the appreciation of the landscape, the importance as originating and regulating water supply, one of the few to be “survivors " of forest on the eastern slope of the Colombian Western Cordillera , good care of the staff and possibility for the relevant environmental education.




