Comparative analysis of the inhibitory component between the crimes of a sample of sex offenders
delitos sexuales, inhibición, interferencia Stroop, agresores sexuales.Abstract
This study aimed to analyze the differences of inhibitory component of executive functions between the crimes of a sample of sex offenders. The sample consisted of 121 men convicted and detained in a prison in the department of Santander, with an average age of 40.74 and a standard deviation of 9.54 years, who were classified according to the described offenses and offenses under the Criminal Code Colombian. In the data collection he is administered the Stroop color-word test, and the data were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 15.0 in Spanish. The results show no difference in performance between different inhibitory component crimes of sex offenders, according to comparative between variables and Word-Color Interference Stroop test. We conclude that, despite the results not entirely reject the hypothesis of a possible deficit in inhibitory control on sex offenders, based on trends in the distribution of Z scores over regulatory or reference data.
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