Empathy and family functioning in medical students of the University of Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador.


  • Víctor Patricio Díaz-Narváez Universidad Andres Bello. Santiago. Chile.
  • Yolanda Dávila Pontón Universidad del Azuay
  • Ximena Velez Calvo Universidad del Azuay
  • Ambar Celleri Gomezcoello Universidad del Azuay
  • Juan Aguilera Muñoz Universidad del Azuay
  • Aracelis Calzadilla Núñez Universidad Bernardo OHiggins
  • Alejandro Reyes Reyes Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Pilar Torres Martínez Universidad San Sebastián




Objective: To explore the distribution of general and particular levels of empathy among the different family functioning styles of medical students of the University of Azuay in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador.

Materials and methods: Exploratory and cross-sectional study. Student empathy levels were measured through the Jefferson Medical Empathy Scale, S-version in Spanish and family functioning through the Family Functioning Scale Faces-20 in a sample of 278 medical students. The comparison of data was carried out by means of analysis of bifactorial variance model III. The level of significance used was ?? 0.05 and 1- ? ? 0.20.

Results: The analysis of the general empathy variance was significant (p <0.05) for the family functioning style factor. The results on the dimensions of empathy:” Take on perspective” and “Ability to understand the situation of the other” were significant (p = 0.035; p = 0.044) for the family functioning style factor. Regarding the “Care with compassion” dimension, no significant differences were observed (p> 0.05). On the other hand, it was found that extreme family functioning styles have empathy values ??greater than the intermediate style, with significant differences between them (p <0.05). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the type of family functioning and empathy. Extreme family functioning style have higher empathy values ??than intermedium families. Regarding the gender factor, these differences were not presented.

Biografía del autor/a

Víctor Patricio Díaz-Narváez, Universidad Andres Bello. Santiago. Chile.

Profesor Investigador. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Andres Bello. Santiago. Chile.


Yolanda Dávila Pontón, Universidad del Azuay

Doctor in Pyschology, Department of Pyschology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Azuay, Cuenca,  Ecuador

Ximena Velez Calvo, Universidad del Azuay

Doctor in Cognitive Neuroscience and Education, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences, Universidad del Azuay

Ambar Celleri Gomezcoello, Universidad del Azuay

Master in Educational and Psychological Intervention, Faculty of Philosophy, Universidad del Azuay

Juan Aguilera Muñoz, Universidad del Azuay

Doctor in psychiatry, Department of Pyschology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Azuay

Aracelis Calzadilla Núñez, Universidad Bernardo OHiggins

Professor (MD). Child and adolescent psychiatrist. Faculty of Health. Universidad Bernardo OHiggins

Alejandro Reyes Reyes, Universidad Santo Tomás

Psychologist, Head of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communications, Universidad Santo Tomás

Pilar Torres Martínez, Universidad San Sebastián

Doctor of Dental Surgery, Research Professor.Dentistry Faculty. Universidad San Sebastián.




Cómo citar

Díaz-Narváez, V. P., Dávila Pontón, Y., Velez Calvo, X., Celleri Gomezcoello, A., Aguilera Muñoz, J., Calzadilla Núñez, A., Reyes Reyes, A., & Torres Martínez, P. (2020). Empathy and family functioning in medical students of the University of Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador. Revista Científica Salud Uninorte, 36(3). https://doi.org/10.14482/sun.



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