Empathy: relationship with family functionality, age, semester and gender in medical students


  • Jorge Bilbao Ramírez Universidad Libre, Colombia
  • Jesús Iglesias Acosta Universidad Libre, Colombia
  • Elvira Crespo Camacho Universidad Libre, Colombia
  • Gustavo de la Hoz Herrera Universidad Libre, Colombia
  • Alexander Parody Muñoz Universidad Libre, Colombia
  • Víctor Díaz Narvaez Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile




Empathy, Apgar Score, Students, Medical, Family Relations, Physician-Patient Relations


Objective: To determine the relationship between empathy level and family functionality, and between these and sex, level of education, and age, in students of a medical program. 

Materials and methods: A descriptive research project was carried out by means of a correlational study according to Dankhe's typology, working with a sample of 493 students to whom two instruments were applied: Jefferson's Medical Empathy Scale, and the family Apgar. The correlation between the variables was evaluated using a chi-square test (?²). 

Results: No relationship was found between the variables studied and empathy with the exception of sex, which showed, in the female population, a value of p = 0.0346. 

Conclusions: A significant relationship was observed in the level of Empathy in favor of the female sex, a behavior that was not found when related to the variables Family Apgar, semester level, and age. 

Author Biographies

Jorge Bilbao Ramírez, Universidad Libre, Colombia

Médico, sociólogo. Magíster en Salud Pública y en Educación, Ph.D.© doctor en Educación. Docente-investigador, Universidad Libre de Barranquilla (Colombia). jorge.bilbaor@unilibre.edu.co. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7738-0740

Jesús Iglesias Acosta, Universidad Libre, Colombia

Médico, licenciado en Biología y Química. Magíster en Fisiología. Docente-investigador, Universidad Libre de Barranquilla (Colombia). jesus.Iglesiasa@unilibre.edu.co. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1533-273X.

Elvira Crespo Camacho, Universidad Libre, Colombia

Médica. Magíster en Educación. Docente-investigadora, Universidad Libre de Barranquilla (Colombia). elviraj.crespoc@unilibre.edu.co. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4966-0037.

Gustavo de la Hoz Herrera, Universidad Libre, Colombia

Médico, psicólogo. Doctor en Educación. Docente-investigador, Universidad Libre de Barranquilla. gustavoe.delahozh@unilibre.edu.co. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5296-4333.

Alexander Parody Muñoz, Universidad Libre, Colombia

Ingeniero industrial. Magíster en Estadística. Docente, Universidad Libre de Barranquilla (Colombia). Alexandere.parodym@unilibre.edu.co. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0155-266X.

Víctor Díaz Narvaez, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile

Research Professor, (Ph.D.). Universidad Andrés Bello, Dentistry Faculty, Department of Dentistry, Santiago (Chile). victor.diaz@unab.cl. https://orcid.org/0000-00025486-0415



How to Cite

Bilbao Ramírez, J., Iglesias Acosta, J., Crespo Camacho, E. ., de la Hoz Herrera, G. ., Parody Muñoz, A. ., & Díaz Narvaez, V. . (2024). Empathy: relationship with family functionality, age, semester and gender in medical students . Salud Uninorte, 40(3), 888–899. https://doi.org/10.14482/sun.40.03.720.555



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