Critical review of González Reyes, L. and Almazán. "Decrecimiento: del qué al cómo. Proposals for the Spanish Spanish State", Editorial Icaria, 2023


  • Alberto Coronel-Tarancón Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Degrowth, Just Transition, Communalisms, Political Ecology


Between technical knowledge and strategic vision, the book by Luis González Reyes and Adrián Almazán places us before the actuality of the facts and the of the facts and the virtuality of the alternatives. An updated and daring study in many of its cardinal proposals. proposals. A description both of the state of the planetary crisis and of the main sectors of the metabolism
as well as of the main sectors of the Spanish economic metabolism.



Almazán A. e Bárcena, I. (coords.) (2022). Nuevos comunalismos: Una hipótesis política para el decrecimiento. Ned Ediciones: Madrid.

Carpintero, Ó. (2005). El metabolismo de la economía española. Recursos naturales y huella ecológica (1955-2000). Fundación César Manrique: Lanzarote.

Durán, R. F., & Reyes, L. G. (2018). En la espiral de la energía. Libros en acción: Madrid.





Book review