La imagen de Colombia y su influencia en la identidad social de los migrantes colombianos



Social image, social identity, colombian migrants


This paper examined the effect of positive or negative image of Colombia on the Social Identity of 68 Colombian migrants in París. The subjets were classified according to posteriori stratified sample in quasi-experimental design. Results show that the image of Colombia had not significantly altered the subjectisSocial Identity. Despite this faet the answers supplied by the subjeets generally and more particulary by men inclined towards a negative Social Identity according to Tajfelís Matrices. The subjects see French people as pacific, bright, trustful, individualistic and dirty, whereas the Colombians see themselves as cheerful. hard-working, religious, extraverted and suspicious. The colombian migrants used a strategy of Social Creativity close to a negative Social Identity by creating two comparison levels: the active emotional aspect of its category or the passive intellectual aspect of the French category.

Author Biographies

Jorge Palacio Sañudo, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Psicólogo, integrante del laboratorio de investigación Modelado Cultural de las Conductas.

Patrick Gosling, Universidad de París X, Francia

Psicólogo social, integrante del laboratorio de investigación Representaciones sociales y Procesos ideológicos.


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How to Cite

Palacio Sañudo, J., & Gosling, P. (2022). La imagen de Colombia y su influencia en la identidad social de los migrantes colombianos. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, (6), 77–96. Retrieved from



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