Soldado Juan Pablo Gasca Castillo, Batallón Colombia, Corea, 1952. Archivo de Adeveco (Asociación de Veteranos de Corea).
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Memoria histórica
Políticas memorialistas
Epistemología de la historia Historical memory
memory policies
epistemology of history.


The memory of the victims of past violence is, for different reasons, a persistent source of controversies. Besides the strictly scholarly ones revolving around the incorporation (or not) of memory in history, there are related polemics that have a political, social, and ethical scope linked to the effects that memory has on history: a discipline widely employed as an instrument to build cohesion around the powers that be. Memory is, accordingly, a contentious issue due to the consequences it has for the deconstruction of hegemonic narratives of the past. It is not without reason that part of the citizenry is calling for justice, redress, and truth for those victims with regard to the facts that the said narratives have overlooked or distorted. It should therefore come as no surprise that the emergence of memory movements on the international stage since the end of the twentieth century has gone hand-in-hand with the process of political empowerment of the citizenry in the face of the development of imperfect democracies

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