Agricultural economy and commercial circuits in the sovereign state of Bolívar, 1857-1886




Estado soberano de Bolívar, agricultura, circuitos comerciales, economía campesina, mercado local y provincial.


This article studies the agriculture in the sovereign State of Bolivar and the commercial circuits that were constructed around the agricultural economy.
The central idea that is defended consists on that despite of the limitations that agriculture presented as far as its level of export was able to satisfy the necessities with the internal market when offering to them to the habitants of the State the products that needed for their sustenance and feeding, allowing the creation and consolidation of commercial circuits at provincial and neighboring level, in that some districts played a fundamental role like integration centers.

Author Biography

Roicer Alberto Flórez Bolívar, Docente programa de historia Universidad de Cartagena

Docente de tiempo completo del programa de historia de la Universidad de Cartagena y miembro del grupo de investigaciones "Frontera, sociedad y cultura en el Caribe y Latinoamérica" de esta unidad docente (Categoría A1 Colciencias)





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