“Africa” in Rio de Janeiro. Cartography of the contemporary immigration


Migrations that depart from “Sub-Saharan Africa” towards South America are affected by many international processes that have taken place in the last two decades: the globalization of the economy, the speed of technology, the spaciousness of the mass media and transport, as well as the reformulation of the migratory policies and asylum policies formulated by the European Union and the United States. Nevertheless, there are regional and local factors that also affect these routes. In the Brazilian case, historical, cultural, and political links that the State has maintained with the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries are to be noticed, as well as the place of Brazil in the world economy. Therefore, this paper tries to map the migrations from “Sub-Saharan Africa” in Rio de Janeiro during the last two decades: 1990-2010. In this sense, we point out the academic researches developed up to the date.
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