The Egypt of America. Yucatan and the historical oblivion in the birth of Mexican tourism
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alemanism Turismo


This paper reveals some of the tensions and contradictions that have shaped the evolution of the Mexican tourism industry. The object of study is relevant because of the significant economic contribution of this sector in recent decades has experienced its most significant growth. Unfortunately there has been a growth hesitantly, backwards and very partial benefits. A hypothesis of the essay is that the lack of consistent studies (reflected as a problem of forgetting and trivializing the problems in the sector) on tourism development in Mexico has its counterpart in government decisions that have affected substantially, either in the form of political or misleading in a sector being regulated predominantly by private sectors.
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Fuentes documentales

CEH-CARSO, Fondo CMLXXV: Centro de Estudios Históricos CARSO, Fondo Luis Montes de Oca

AGY: Archivo General de Yucatán

Bibliografía y hemerografía

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