Following Their Footsteps: Tracing Puerto Ricans’ Sociopolitical Activism in New York City from an Afro-Centric Perspective


  • Milagros Denis-Rosario Hunter College-CUNY



Many studies emphasize that Puerto Ricans do not fit into the American racial definition "black or white" and that because of this "singularity" Puerto Rican racial experience should be measured differently. This paper evaluates the activities of black Puerto Ricans who came and settled in New York City and faced adjustment problems, racism and persistent poverty, they forged an identity that resonates with the experience and perspective of Arturo Schomburg, who as a black Puerto Rican was a pioneer of Afrocentric tradition. As a historian in this article I review the life and work of Schomburg and examine his exploits on the centrality of Africa and their descendants in the history of the world. Also reviewed the philosophy of South African historian C. Tsehloane Keto, who posits the centrality of African history in the interpretation of the experience of people of African descent in the United States and around the world. Framed in the context of the work of Keto and Schomburg emphasize that the process of building the Puerto Rican cultural nationalist identity in New York City demonstrates one aspect of identity "Nuyorican" which is characterized by a current that Afro-centric goes hand in hand with African American black movement.

Author Biography

Milagros Denis-Rosario, Hunter College-CUNY

La Profesora Denis-Rosario es catedrática auxiliar en el Department of Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies en Hunter College del sistema universitario de la ciudad de Nueva York (CUNY), Estados Unidos. Obtuvo grado doctoral en historia latinoámericana y del caribe de la universidad de Howard en Washington, DC. Tambien obtuvo grado de maestría en estudios africanos de la universidad de Cornell.

Enseña cursos sobre comunidades latinas en los Estados Unidos, Afro-Latinos, cursos de historia de Puerto Rico desde el 1898 y puertorriqueños en los Estados Unidos. La Profesora Denis-Rosario ha hecho investigaciones que tratan de establecer las coaliciones entre los africanoamericanos y los puertorriqueños en Nueva York. Ella esta trabajando en su manuscrito titulado "One Drop of Blood: Racial re-Formation and Meanings in Puerto Rican Society, 1898-1960s." Estudio sobre la exclusion de los puertorriqueños negros durante la modernización de la isla.




