Human management in the micro, small and medium businesses included in the Program Expopymes of Universidad del Norte in food and confections fields.


  • Olga Lucía Jaramillo Naranjo


This research aims at knowing the present situation of 48 mipymes (micro, small and medium
businesses) in food and confection fields in Barranquilla (Colombia), included in the Program
Expopymes of Universidad del Norte. The situation was evaluated in terms of recruiting and selection,
description of job, orientation of employee, training and formation, peiformance evaluation,
management of compensation, occupational health and social welfare. Besides, it takes into account
the main characteristics of employees, how those processes are camed out, and who the person in charge
of managing human talent is.
Findings establish the difficult conditions mipymes (micro, small and medium businesses) are
facing regarding human management, because their financial capacity, culture and structure do not
permit them to have a specific area assisting the totality of requirement of their staff. The owner or
manager has to put all his/ her abilities and competencies to act as a facilitator and ledder of business
staff. Critical processes are induction, formation and training, and welfare and occupational health,
which make them less competitive in front of the globalized background of XXI Century.

How to Cite

Jaramillo Naranjo, O. L. (2011). Human management in the micro, small and medium businesses included in the Program Expopymes of Universidad del Norte in food and confections fields. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (18). Retrieved from


