Scent marketing: a bibliographic review


  • Claudia Gómez Ramírez CESA
  • Mario Andres Manzi Puertas Universidad Javeriana
  • Tatiana Galindo Becerra Universidad Javeriana


The aim of this study was to analyze the applications and effects of ScentMarketing (SM) in commercial environments, from a Systematic LiteratureReview (SLR) provided by Kitchenham (2004), both scientific and businesspublications from 1990 to 2013. In 64 cases that met the criteria for inclusionand exclusion established by researchers, it was shown that SM hasbeen applied in order to increase short and long term consumption or salesin different industries, predominantly with citrus scent. In order to achievethe marketing objectives through SM, the aroma should be consistentwith the commercial space, the brand and the category of the product orservice. However, the documentation for business knowledge is limited andresearch opportunities are still present.

How to Cite

Gómez Ramírez, C., Manzi Puertas, M. A., & Galindo Becerra, T. (2015). Scent marketing: a bibliographic review. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión. Retrieved from


