Lagom är bäst!: Understanding the interrelation between national culture and corporate social responsibility. The case of Sweden


  • Óscar Hernán Vargas Villamizar
  • Juan José Martí Noguera Universidad Antonio Nariño - Colombia


This paper reflects upon how national culture influences on Corporate SocialResponsibility practices. For this purpose, the metaphor of “organizationas culture” was used as theoretical framework, and Sweden as case study byidentifying elements from its history and language which have contributedto the acceptance and reinterpretation of CRS concept in the country.In conclusion, the paper presents the “socially responsible” condition as ambiguousand contextual, emphasizing on national culture as a variable whichcannot be underestimated in the analysis of CSR initiatives.

How to Cite

Vargas Villamizar, Óscar H., & Martí Noguera, J. J. (2015). Lagom är bäst!: Understanding the interrelation between national culture and corporate social responsibility. The case of Sweden. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (38). Retrieved from


