Pro-environmental rules: Analysis based on their relevance, associated consequences, and effort to follow them
Environmental education, environmentally relevant behaviors, rule-governed behavior, facet theoryAbstract
Despite several decades of studies on attitudes to the environment and the personal and social variables associated to them, environmental education has largely failed to make substantial gains in the adoption of pro-environmental behaviors. Education on rule-governed behavior is proposed as an alternative forreducing the distance between saying and doing behavioral change that suggests pragmatic solutions and promising avenues for future investigation on pro-environmental behavior. A total of 469 participants from different age groups took part of this study. 376 reported the frequencies of following pro-environmental rules through a questionnaire, and 93 categorized different kinds of pro-environmental behaviors in a free sorting procedure and also in relation to consequences and effort associated to these behaviors. Although results evidence the effects of environmental education in recognizing environmental relevant behaviors they lack in establishing the connection of these behaviors with social and natural consequences. Implications for environmental education are discussed.
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