Correlations between academic burnout, coping and social support in college students
Burnout, coping and social support in college students
burnout, afrontamiento, apoyo social, estudiantes, Ciencias de la SaludAbstract
The present study aimed to verify the prevalence of academic burnout and its possible correlations with coping strategies and social support in students of health courses. The sample consisted of 173 participants, aged between 18 and 30 years (M = 23.71; SD = 7.04). For data collection we used: Sociodemographic questionnaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory for students (MBI-SS), Brief COPE (coping inventory) and Social Support Satisfaction Scale for higher education students (SSSS). The results revealed correlations between the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and cynicism, with family support satisfaction [F (3, 201752) = 9184.986, p < 0.001; r2 = 0.12] and F (3, 168) = 8.473, p < 0.001; r2 = 0.131]. Referring to the correlations between coping strategies with the other study variables, the sample most frequently used emotion-focused coping in the strategies of Self-blaming (r = 0.290, p<0.001); Substance Use (ir = 0.241, p<0.01); Instrumental Support (r = 0.206, p<0.01) and Positive Reinterpretation (r =0.197, p<0.01).
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