New Wars, New Challenges: Rethinking Strategic Advantages of Air Supremacy in Modern Warfare


  • Janiel David Melamed Universidad del Norte


The objective of the following article is to conduct an analysis of air power and its role in modern warfare. Air power has been used in the last century as an important military tool, due to its strategic advantages. These advantages reflected a military supremacy in traditional wars between states, evidenced in the international system. The new century has highlighted the existence of a new form of struggle with different characteristics than traditional warfare, as these new confrontations face new threats which deviate from conventional warfare. Amidst these struggles, irregular warfare techniques are employed as asymmetric means to fight, questioning the military advantage provided by air power

Biografía del autor/a

Janiel David Melamed, Universidad del Norte

es Doctorando en Seguridad Internacional del Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado (UNED-ESPAÑA). Cuenta con una maestría en Gobierno, Seguridad Nacional y Contraterrorismo de la Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strategy (HERZLIYA-ISRAEL). Profesional en Derecho y especialista en Derecho Penal de la Universidad del Norte. Cuenta con experiencia académica, análisis e investigación sobre temas de Medio Oriente, Terrorismo, Conflictos Armados, Derecho Internacional, Violencia Política, Seguridad Nacional e Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales. Durante el ejercicio profesional ha presentado diversos artículos académicos a revistas científicas adjuntas a instituciones de educación superior, y artículos de análisis y opinión en diversos medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales





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