The Unidroit Principles in the international commercial relations


  • Alix Aguirre Andrade Universidad de Zulia
  • Nelly Manasía Fernández Universidad de Zulia


This investigation analyzes the Unidroit Principles on International
Commercial Contracts and their convenience in the
international commercial relations, since its formulation bythe International Institute for the Unification of Private Law(UNIDROIT) in 1994. This study is centered in the legal nature,
its application like lex mercatoria, the general rules printed in
1994, the new 2004 formulation recently happened and the
preeminence of different expressions about commercial activity
protection, in addition of their treatment in the Inter-AmericanConvention of the Law applicable to international contracts andthe particular regulation in the Venezuelan legal system.In the used methodology documentary sources are reviewed,and a descriptive investigation of consulted texts is made. Theexpositions allow to affirm that the Principles constitute a valuable
contribution as effective solutions at the event of conflicts
caused from the international commercial relations.

Author Biographies

Alix Aguirre Andrade, Universidad de Zulia

Doctora en Derecho y Magíster Scientiarum en Educación, Mención Planificación Educativa(Universidad del Zulia).

Nelly Manasía Fernández, Universidad de Zulia

Doctora en Derecho. Magíster Scientiarum en Educación, Mención Planificación Educativa.Profesora asociada e investigadora de la Universidad del Zulia.



Research Articles