Nullity and invalidity in the Civil Code, especially how they operate


  • Ricardo Concha Machuca Facultad de Cs. Jurídicas Universidad de Talca, Chile


In an analytical perspective, this paper proposes arguments that supportthe idea that in the Civil Code system, invalidity is different from nullity.Thus, despite that the concepts of invalidity and nullity are closely related,they are not identical. Indeed, they are different notions, since invalidity(based on power conferring rules) is a concept prior to nullity, and operateswithout a judgment. Moreover, the first is a requirement to establish thesecond. The ideas supported in this paper are consistent with the historicalorigin of the institution, and with several articles contained in the CivilCode.

Author Biography

Ricardo Concha Machuca, Facultad de Cs. Jurídicas Universidad de Talca, Chile

Académico, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad de Talca. Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Chile. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Concepción. Profesor de la Universidad de Talca.





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