The Emancipating Power of Knowledge and the Posthumous Condition. Marina Garcés, Nueva ilustración radical. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2017. 75 p. [Spanish]


  • Henar Lanza González Universidad del Norte



New Radical Enlightenment, by Marina Garcés, won the 2017 City of Barcelona Award in the category of essay. The work is structured in three parts, preceded by a preamble: posthumous condition, illustrated radicalism and Humanities in transition. The first focuses on the unsustainable nature of the contemporary world, on the analysis of what there is after Modernity and Postmodernity and on what the author calls “the catastrophe of time”. The second part presents the concepts of “cultural servitude”, “enlightened illiteracy”, “neutralization of criticism” and “delegated intelligence”. In the third and last, she presents five hypotheses about the current status of Humanities.


Author Biography

Henar Lanza González, Universidad del Norte

Universidad del Norte


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