Efectos de un programa de atención integral a la infancia en el desarrollo de niños de sectores pobres en Colombia



Childhood development, education, integral care and interventions programs.


This research tries to establish the impact on the development of the kids graduated from the Colombian Program of the integral care for the childhood, concerning the physical, cognitive and social aspects and also its academic achievement. Regarding to the methodological procedure, an ex post- facto model was used, and regarding to the instruments the Abbreviated Scale of Development 2 to evaluate the social and cognitive development, the Scale for weight and high from the ICBF and the grades report for the academic performance, were used. The results of the research indicate the impact on the development of the kids graduated from the program was significant, especially, in the cognitive, social-personal and the academic performance areas. It shows that these programs could set up a very valuable resource for the community, and over all, for the childhood.

Author Biographies

José Juan Amar, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Psicólogo, sociólogo e historiador. ph.d con grado de mayor en psicología social de columbia pacific university. Director del centro de investigaciones en desarrollo humano (cidhum) de la universidad del Norte.

Raimundo Abello Llanos, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Psicólogo, doctor en educación de la Universidad del Humanismo Cristiano de Chile; especialista en diseño y evaluación de proyectos de la Universidad del Norte. Investigador adscrito al cidhum.

Diana Tirado García, Universidad del Norte, Colombia

Psicóloga, Universidad del Norte. joven investigadora adscrita al grupo de investigaciones en desarrollo humano (gidhum) de la misma universidad.


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How to Cite

Amar, J. J., Abello Llanos, R., & Tirado García, D. (2022). Efectos de un programa de atención integral a la infancia en el desarrollo de niños de sectores pobres en Colombia. Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 13(1), 60–77. Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/investigacion/article/view/1063



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