Persistence of peasant life in a riverside community of Las Mojarras (Chocó, Colombia): analysis from a social wellbeing approach
social wellbeing, adaptive preferences, persistence of peasant life, department of ChocóAbstract
This manuscript provides insights about the persistence of peasant life in Los Chenchos, a riverine community in the Colombian Pacific. Following a social wellbeing approach, we examine the material, relational and subjective dimensions underlying the persistence of this community in their ancestral territory despite profound social and economic challenges marked by regional land use change and the emergence of illegal and extractive economies. We followed a sequential mixed-methods approach based on participant observation, ethnographic interviews and a descriptive census of the three dimensions of social wellbeing in the 18 households that make the community. Employing the social wellbeing approach provided an understanding of how achieving a desired way of life is an adaptive response that draws on values associated with small-scale agricultural production and family networks.
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