Colombia y Cuba: Una historia común, un camino hacia la integracion caribeña
Colombia - foreign relations, Cuba - foreign relationsAbstract
The author inítiaIly describes the historical antecedents of the ties between Colombia and Cuba, starting from the process of independence of the New Granada. In that stage, the author describes the active participation of the Colombian citizens that added onto the gestation of the island's emancipating process, as weIl as the Latin American solidarity 'With such cause. The author likewise shows that despitepossessing a common past and identity, Colombians at large do not know the singularities and the origins to the reIationship that link them to that Caribbean eountry. The influence of the east-west conflict in the Colombian-Cuban relationship is briefly analyzed. Finally, an analysis covering the perspective of the countries' bilateral relationships as of the 1990's is performed, identifying for sueh purpose the areas of eommon interest that have regained dynamism within the current context generated by Cuba, which broadens the space for investment and international cooperation, a condition that grants the Caribbean and Latín Ameríca exceIlent options to contribute with the island's economic integration.References
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